January 17, 2008

Where Has FeedJit Gone?

Where has FeedJit gone?

I use this widget to display a summary of the latest visitors to the Domain Treasure Map. You'll notice that the "Recent Visitors" feed on the left side of the blog isn't working today, and the FeedJit website also seems to be down.

Hopefully this is something temporary. FeedJit is a great widget that shows how global the world's communication has become.

1 comment:

Mark said...


We're still here. :) Our monitoring tools indicate that everything is fine with our servers, the traffic on Feedjit.com hasn't dropped at all and we haven't had any reports from the over 21,000 websites who have us installed of any problems. I'm not sure why we fell or your radar this morning, but if it happens again please email us at support@feedjit.com and we'll look into it immediately.


Mark Maunder
Feedjit Founder & CEO